Erotic stories of Very willing Bitch
Profile page of Very willing Bitch. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Very willing Bitch wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 6.6K times
Another Lonely Winter SolvedIn 2020 my husband died not from the pandemic, a rare accident a tree branch fell and hit him. He died of his head injuries, so no body to snuggle up to in the winter. I was lonely until my family got me a companion in early 2022, a dog (puppy) since then he has grown into a large good-tempered dog. Very protective of me, especially with strangers. You can't say he is good looking; he has a face only a mother would love. Looks very fierce and is really just a large playful puppy. My grandchildre... reading time 3 mingenreZoophiliawritten on